The Dangers of Selective Memory – Behaalotecha, 2024 

Shabbat shalom!In Numbers 11:4-6, we find the following:4. And the mixed multitude that was among them had a strong craving; and the people of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us meat to eat?5. We remember the fish, which we ate in Egypt for nothing; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic;6. But now our soul is dried away; there is nothing at

Invocation for the Mizel Museum Annual Dinner honoring Payton Manning 

 Our God and God of all people: We live in divided times. Everywhere we look we see forces that demonize the weak; aggrandize the bleak; and lionize cheap speak.  Sometimes it feels like everything we thought we knew in the past has been on its head and the voice of morality is replaced with the talking points of terror and hatred. We need You, O God – in times like these- to hold us

My Words At the Rally Celebrating Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom Petition "Turn... 

Today was a vitally important day in the struggle to ensure Abortion Care for all in Colorado. Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom is a coalition of faith leaders, community activists and concerned citizens who have been working to ensure that Reproductive Health Care will be affordable and available to all citizens of our State.  I was asked to speak last January at the kickoff

6 Months After October 7th: Two Different Kinds of Fire 

In the Torah portion that we read last shabbat, Parashat Shemini, we come across a strange and previously unknown concept – that of אש זרה (Eysh Zara) – a “strange fire”  offered up by Aaron’s sons. According to our text, Nadav and Abihu brought their firepans to the altar after the Mishkan (Tabernacle) was dedicated and proffered an offering to God that had not been commanded. As a result

Opening Prayer for the CO State House During a Holy Season - April 4, 2023 

  Our God and the God of all people:God of the Left and God of the Right God of the Judged and God of the Jurist God of the Doubter and God of the Driven God of those who have no God: We are living in troubled times. We are part of a nation divided and a legislative body that finds it difficult to come together in spite of our differences. Divisions and distrust permeate everything that

Opening Prayer for the Colorado State House of Representatives at the Halfway Point of the Session 

Our God who calls us to reflect on who we are and why we are here: This morning, we come together in this sacred place as we near the half-way point of our legislative session.  We marvel at the passage of time while simultaneously feeling the anxiety of the layers of unfinished business that loom in front of us.  In a world that all too often demands unyielding perfection from its

Opening Prayer for the Colorado House of Representatives on "Leap Day." 

Our God who dwells on High.Our God who walks in the street.Our God whose voice rolls down like thunder.Our God who we find in the doubts that plague us in the middle of the night.Today is the 29th of February. This day that only occurs every 4 years reminds us that, in our desire to find order in the chaos of the cosmos, we need to adjust our calendars so that we might continue to number our

Opening Prayer for the CO House of Representatives around Presidents' Day 2/22/24 

 Our God and God of all people: God of the rich God of the poor God of the refugee God of the soldier God of the homeless God of the comfortable God of those who have no God…   Today would have been my mother’s 98th Birthday.  It also happens to be the birthday of our nation’s 1st president, George Washington. Last Monday, our country celebrated President’s Day where we

Breaking the Chains of Captivity in Gaza - Israel Blog 

I spent this past weekend in St. Louis, MO where I attended Songleader Bootcamp (SLBC) – a yearly celebration of Jewish music, spirituality, and leadership. This is the 5th year that I have been honored to serve as a Core Educator at SLBC. In that role, I taught classes, helped to lead services, shared my music, and helped to create a sacred community. This year’s SLBC was filled with many

Love Lessons for Legislators - Invocation for the Colorado State House for Valentine's Day 

Our God and God of all people. We know you by many names: God of mercy, God of Justice, God of Salvation, God of all Humanity But this morning – let us call you God of Love…..Today is February 15th. Yesterday was Valentine’s day. Some here today – the more cynical among us - might think that a day set aside to focus on love is a ploy to sell chocolate and flowers. And they may be right.